Brushing Off Comparison: Embracing Your Unique Artistic Journey

I am pleased to invite you to Brush Off Comparison and Embrace Your Unique Artistic Journey.

In the world of artistry, a recurring theme often plays out - the comparison game. Artists, both seasoned and emerging, frequently find themselves sizing up their work against others and, inevitably, against their own past creations. It's a dance that many of us know all too well. But is this comparison really necessary? Does it add value to your creative journey? Or is it an obstacle to be overcome? Let's explore these questions and find ways to navigate this artistic maze.

Read the article for Zabam Art here


Music Meets Mind

Expanding the Scope of Mental Health in the Artistic Community, your sanctuary for growth, self-reflection, empowerment, and creative expansion.

Living Life in Musical Harmony


Battling Loneliness on the Creative Journey